Power PB: Product Review

I recently wrote a product review of Nuts 'N More peanut butter, so when I spotted another peanut butter product on sale at GNC, I was eager to try it and see how it stacked up against Nuts 'N More. Spoiler alert: there is absolutely no competition. Nuts 'N More wins by a landslide.

Power PB by SNAClite is a "Blend of Quality Protein, Flax Seed Oil, Fiber & Essential Fat."
Disclaimer-- I purchased this product for $3.99, marked down from $7.99 because the "best by" date is less than 2 months away.
It is as delicious as it sounds. Let me rephrase... it tastes like you would expect a healthy food product to taste. Ok, I'll just say it: it's NOT delicious. Because of the soy protein contained in the product, it tastes very strongly like soy protein. The flax seeds aren't ground, which is not the best way to consume flax. The product was very difficult to stir without sloshing all the oil out. It doesn't taste sweet, which leads me to think the molasses and sugar are added just to make it bearable.

Ingredients: roasted peanuts, soy protein isolate, flax seed, sugar, molasses, salt.

Additionally, serving size is listed as 5 tbsp, which comes in at a whopping 440 calories with 34 g of fat, 17 g of carbs, 6 g of fiber and 24 g of protein.

Unless you are a teenage boy or have trouble gaining weight, you should not be consuming 440 calories worth of peanut butter. (I realize the serving size is set based on selling this product as a high protein product, but this should also be another wake-up call-- do not fall for the gimmicky labels on the front of any product. Read the nutrition facts and the ingredients before deciding if a product is, indeed, a wise choice.)

In case I was not clear enough... save your money. This is not worth the cost. Buy the Nuts 'N More products or make your own power nut butter: use one serving of almond or peanut butter and simply mix in whey protein. I use 2 T of almond butter and about 2 T of cookies 'n cream whey protein. It's my favorite snack with an apple post-workout or celery anytime.

Here is how I'm dealing with my 2 jars of Power PB-- I'm adding one tablespoon of it to one tablespoon of almond butter and mixing in a little protein. At this rate, I should be done with the jars by Christmas.


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